Dr. Raouf M. Afifi, is Director, Community Health Services & Community Health Research Institute, International Management-Health Services (ITM-HS), Indianapolis Indiana, USA; Scientific Supervisor, Saudi Board of Community Medicine Programs in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), USA, and Egypt; Adjunct Professor, College of Medicine, Taif University, KSA; former Head of Preventive Medicine Departments, Armed Forces Hospitals, Taif, KSA. He is principal investigator & project manager in the field of communicable & NCDs, trauma; applied health policy and healthcare reform research.

Dr. Afifi experience covers a wide spectrum of healthcare business inquiry, including strategic planning & policy implementation, economic & financial management, investment policy, merger, acquisition, and exploring expansion opportunities. He shares providing business solutions to maximize the organization’s competitive advantage and market share. He sets staff development plans, including business management, change management, marketing management, risk management & insurance policy, and infection control & prevention policy. Dr. Afifi assists in boosting business productivity through improving the staff and organization’s behavior, resource utilization, KPIs, enhancing safe & promising working environment. He is a member of international and regional healthcare organization accreditation & quality assurance team.

Dr. Raouf Afifi is academic community medicine & public health scholar; sets graduate program curricula, course syllabi, and residents training plans. He is international researcher and specialized in teaching public health & health administration coursework, including research methodology, fundamental & advanced biostatistics, epidemiology, environmental health, health policy, and public health programs. Academically, he has supervised and mentored plenty of graduate medical theses, dissertations, capstone projects for specializing physicians & health professionals in USA, KSA, Canada, and European community medicine & family medicine board and degree programs. He is chair, board member and speaker at plenty of international medical & healthcare conferences.

Dr. Afifi obtained his first medical degree in 1980, MSc in pediatrics in 1985, PhD- pediatric epidemiology in 1991, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt. He pursued pediatrics & epidemiology academia and clinical career at reputed university hospitals in Cairo Egypt, Kuwait, and USA since 1981. He became community health advisor to ITM-HS, USA sine 2000; obtained dual master’s degrees in public health and epidemiology, and master’s degree in health administration, Indiana-Purdue University, 2000-2005.

Dr. Afifi has plenty of international publications in community health research, including chronic diseases (diabetes, obesity; hypertension), childhood trauma research, H1N1, mental health, addiction, behavioral health, organ transplantation CME, EBHCP, health management, heath economics, medical errors, and preventive health research. He is editor and reviewer to a multitude of international scientific publishers. Dr. Afifi’s philosophy in performance embarks on paying attention to details and striving excellence and creativity, meanwhile assure safety and obviate errors.