SA Skills Development

Skills Development

We provide training and development consultancy services to corporate organizations starting from training needs assessment to Soft Skills training. Our training delivery style is experiential more than lecturing or theoretical. It occupies 70% practical and 30% theoretical. This style depends on open discussions, role-plays, sharing real work experiences and life stories. These activities guarantee the maximum participation of trainees, their engagement in the sessions which gives them more confidence and freedom to express their opinions and explore their feelings. The main objective of training is to develop employees’ personal quality through developing their life skills that will improve productivity, performance, and opportunities for promotion.

Our Training Programs are:

Personal Skills

  • Stress Management & Burnout
  • Self Discovery & Self Awareness
  • Emotional Intelligence & Resilience

Professional & Productivity Skills

  • Business Etiquette & Ethics
  • Total Quality Management
  • Time Management & Prioritization
  • Planning & Organizing
  • Business Writing
  • Report Writing
  • Proposal Writing
  • Entrepreneurial Thinking

Interpersonal Skills

  • Effective Communication
  • Presentation & Public Speaking
  • Negotiation, Persuasion & Influencing
  • Problem-Solving & Decision-Making
  • Creativity & Innovation

Management & Leadership

  • Leadership Excellence
  • The Talent Manager
  • Change Management
  • Crisis Management
  • Strategic Planning
  • Team Dynamics & Team Building
  • Market research skills: How to conduct market research

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